
  1. Selective Multiple Testing: Inference for Large Panels with Many Covariates (Paper) (Code) (Slides)
    Co-author: Markus Pelger
    • We propose Panel Multiple Testing that allows us to select covariates that explain a large cross-section with false discovery control. In our empirical asset pricing study, we select sparse risk factors from a factor zoo of 114, to explain 243 doubly-sorted portfolio excess returns.
    • NASMES 2023, AMES 2023, INFORMS 2023, 11th Western Conference on Mathematical Finance, NBER-NSF SBIES 2022, California Econometrics Conference 2022, Stanford HAI Financial Services Industry Review
  2. Large Dimensional Change Point Detection with FWER Control as Automatic Stopping (Paper) (Poster) (Code)
    Co-authors: Yang Fan, Markus Pelger
    • With hundreds of time series and unknown number of change points to detect, our inference-based method is better suited than the classical DP-based algorithm due to its conscientious trade-off of Type I vs Type II error. We provide FWER control theory. In simulations, we showed 20% lift in F1 scores against leading benchmarks.
    • ICML 2023 SPIGM, SCIS
  3. Inference for Large Panel Data with Machine Learning (Paper)
    • This is my PhD thesis, accessible from Stanford’s archival system.
  4. Asset pricing with Supply Chain Relationships (Paper) (Code)
    Co-authors: Agostino Capponi, Jose Sidaoui
    • We propose a nonparametric method to aggregate rich firm characteristics over a large supply chain network to explain the cross-section of expected returns. Each target firm receives a nonlinearly constructed pricing signal passed from neighboring firms that are within $d$-hops on the supply chain network. We find supply chain is useful for asset pricing: our model achieves over 50% higher out-of-sample Sharpe ratios compared to models using only direct suppliers and consumers, outperforming Fama-French five-factor and principal component models. Through a graph-Monte Carlo experiment, we demonstrate the interplay between $d$ and degree centrality, showing that the most central firms are twice as sensitive as peripheral firms. Our recommended $d = 6$ balances bias-variance and ensures robustness.
    • INFORMS 2024